Guess Who’s Going to Star Wars Celebration?


Chewbacca aka The Wookie and Peter Mayhew

Woodsy and the Wookie!

Hey look it’s me and Chewbacca at last year’s NYC Comicon!  And check out my Revenge of the Jedi t-shirt!  I so nailed that…

So yeah, I recently sent my mom an email with a link to this year’s Star Wars Celebration,, saying that we should go together, AS A JOKE, I swear!  But then she got all excited about it, so how could I then say NO?  I know you all understand…

Anyway, so yeah, I’m going to the Star Wars Celebration Convention in August with Diane in Orlando, Florida.  We’re all booked, and ready to go.  It’s truly a mystery as to why I’m still single…

I don’t think I’ll be dressing up, mostly because of the fact that if I happen to run into any of my old LucasFilm co-workers, I might die.  I mean it’s one thing to dress up Star Wars at the ILM Halloween party but this is taking it to the next level.  I mean, I may wear a golden bikini top or something just as a special call out to Princess Leia.  I was Slave Leia last Halloween but I had to quit boozing for an entire month.  Maybe I’ll go as Slave Yoda, because really, who else will?  And all that green make-up will bring out my green eyes.  I am hoping though to interview some of my dear old LFL co-workers that will be there for my blog – keep fingers crossed.

Oh and speaking of, guess who’ll be there signing autographs?  That’s right people, the one and only CARRIE FISHER,  Of course I’ll have to lay low because of my over-exposure during her NYC Wishful Drinking tour.  She definitely recognizes me now, if only she’d call me Laurel and not Anne, please God, please.

At least I’ll always have the Wookie…

Wookie and Princess Leia

Jimmy McCain,, is the guy behind the gifs.

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